• 原来是德信的公司啊~

  • 老大,你都有好工作了,还看什么缘分。


  • Clearcase 存储空间扩展 at 2010年04月12日



  • 其实要根据公司情况。 个人觉得根据公司开环境决定。现在打公司 cc server linux 上较多,小公司 cc server windows 多谢。

    linux server 上运行速度相对 windows 较快,性能要好一些。

  • ccweb 方式? 为什么不用 CCRC 呢

  • [url]http://bbs.scmroad.com/viewthread.php? %3D1[/url] 请问这 2 个是同一问题吗?

  • laofo 现在研究 clearcase 了?

    linux clearcase server 和 windows clearcase clicent,需要 windows AD 用户和 linux 上用户和组保持一致,并将此组设为主组。

    在 windows 客户端\rational/clearcase/etc/utils/creds \rational/clearcase/etc/utils/credmap server name

    验证 windows 和 linux 用户和组映射是否一致~

  • Linux VOB 迁移到 Windows at 2010年04月02日


  • Linux VOB 迁移到 Windows at 2010年04月02日

    [b] Moving a VOB from Linux or the UNIX system to Windows[/b]

    For clarity, the procedures in this section use an example:

    The current location of the VOB storage directory to be moved, on the source host running Linux or the UNIX system, is /vobstg/libpub.vbs ,vobsvr2. The VOB tag for this VOB is /vobs/libpub.

    The new location of the VOB storage directory, on the target host, is C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs on the Windows host vobsvr-nt. The VOB tag \libpub will be created for this VOB.

    To move a VOB from Linux or the UNIX system to Windows:

    Note: If the VOB has remote storage pools, you must first consolidate those pools under the VOB root directory. Symbolic links that are supported on Linux and the UNIX system are not supported on Windows, so the entire VOB Chapter 8. Moving VOBs and relocating VOB data storage directory must reside on a single partition on the Windows host.

    1. Log on to the VOB server host. Log on as the VOB owner or privileged user.
    2. Lock the VOB. This ensures that no new VOB objects are created while you complete Step 3.
    3. Generate a SID file that lists the names and UIDs/GIDs of users and groups associated with objects in /vobs/libpub. Run vob_siddump utility as shown in this example: ccase–home–dir/etc/utils/vob_siddump /vobs/libpub ^ /vobstg/libpub.vbs/libpub.csv Create the SID file in the VOB storage directory so that it is available on the new VOB host after the storage directory is moved. You will need this file in Step 15 on page .
    4. Dump the VOB database. Use the cleartool reformatvob command: cleartool reformatvob –dump /vobstg/libpub.vbs reformatvob –dump marks the VOB database as invalid. It cannot be used until it is processed by a reformatvob –load command.
    5. Copy the VOB storage directory. Use any file system copy utility to copy the entire VOB storage directory to the Windows host. This example assumes that the host vobsvr2 is running an SMB server and has shared its \vobstg partition. On the Windows host, run these commands: C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs> net use E: \vobsvr2\vobstgC:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs> xcopy E:\libpub.vbs libpub.vbs /s Note: Because ACLs are not supported on hosts running Linux or the UNIX system, you can use xcopy or for this step.
    6. Restart Rational ClearCase on the VOB server host. You do not need to rename the old VOB storage directory first. It has been dumped and is no longer accessible.
    7. Fix the VOB storage directory protections. Log in to the Windows VOB server host as the VOB owner of \libpub or as a privileged user and run the fix_prot utility. In this example, vobadm is the name of the new VOB owner, ccusers is the name of the VOB’s new principal group, and C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs is the host-local pathname of the VOB storage directory: ccase–home–dir\etc\utils\fix_prot –root –r –chown vobadm –chgrp ccusers ^ C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs
    8. Re-create the VOB database from the dump files. Use the cleartool reformatvob command: cleartool reformatvob –load C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs
    9. Replace the VOB object and tag with new ones that reference the new VOB storage directory. Use the Rational ClearCase Administration Console or the following commands (which assume that C:\ClearCaseStorage is shared as \vobsvr-nt\ClearCaseStorage): cleartool register –vob –replace ^ \vobsvr-nt\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbscleartool mktag –vob –tag \libpub ^ \vobsvr-nt\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs
    10. Lock the VOB. Although the VOB is now registered and has a tag, it cannot be usable until you complete this procedure. If you are concerned that users may try to access the VOB before it is ready, lock it now. 126 IBM Rational ClearCase and ClearCase LT: Administrator’s Guide
    11. Create a map file. Open the SID file generated in Step 4 on page 117 of this procedure (\vobsvr-nt\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs\libpub.csv). It may be easier to edit this file if you use a spreadsheet program that can read the comma-separated-value format. This example shows one line of such a file. It includes a header row for clarity. Old-name Type Old-SID New-name Type New-SID Count akp USER UNIX:UID-1247 IGNORE USER 137 For each line in the file, replace the string IGNORE in the New-name field with a domain-qualified name of the user or group to which the old name should be mapped; then delete the last three fields (Type, New-SID, and Count). Old-name Type Old-SID New-name Type New-SID Count akp USER UNIX:UID-1247 NEW\akp Although this example shows a user name that is the same on Windows as it was on Linux or the UNIX system, this procedure can also be used to map a user or group name on Linux or the UNIX system to a different user or group name on Windows. After you have edited all the rows of the SID file, save it as a comma-separated-value file and use it as the mapping file required when you run vob_sidwalk –map. Each line of the mapping file must have exactly four fields, separated by commas. The example row created in this step looks like this in .csv format: akp,USER,UNIX:UID-1247,NEW\akp Note: You can reassign ownership of any object in a VOB to the VOB owner by placing the string DELETE in the New-name field. You can also reassign ownership of all objects in a VOB to the VOB owner without creating a mapping file. See “Reassigning ownership to the VOB owner” on page 266.
    12. Test the map file. Run vob_sidwalk without the –execute option. The list of mappings in the file libpub-map.csv is written to the SID file (libpub-test.csv in this example), but no changes are made to the VOB. ccase–home–dir\etc\utils\vob_sidwalk –map^ \vobsvr-nt\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs\libpub-map.csv ^ \libpub libpub-test.csv
    13. Unlock the VOB. If you are concerned that users may try to access the VOB before this procedure is complete, lock the VOB again for all users except yourself. You will need write access to the VOB to complete this procedure.
    14. Update user and group identities stored in the VOB. When you are satisfied that the map file is correct, run vob_sidwalk with the –execute option. In this example, libpub-map.csv is the map file you created in Step 11 on page 118: ccase–home–dir\etc\utils\vob_sidwalk –execute –map ^ \vobsvr-nt\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs\libpub-map.csv \libpub libpub-exec.csv vob_sidwalk remaps ownership as specified in the map file and records the changes that were made in a new SID file, libpub-exec.csv. Chapter 8. Moving VOBs and relocating VOB data 127
    15. Recover file system ACLs. Finally, while you are still logged in to \vobsvr-nt as the VOB owner or privileged user, use vob_sidwalk with the –recover_filesystem option to apply the correct ACLs to the VOB storage directory. ccase–home–dir\etc\utils\vob_sidwalk –recover_filesystem \libpub recov.csv vob_sidwalk logs changes made during this step to the file recov.csv
    16. Verify that all clients in the region can access the VOB. Unlock the VOB if it is still locked.
    17. Verify that all Rational ClearCase users on Windows can access objects in the VOB. Users should be able to create new objects as well as change or remove objects they own.

    Note: If the user’s name on Windows is not the same as it was on Linux or the UNIX system, the user loses rights (for example, the right to remove a version that you created) associated with the creator of a version or a branch. These operations can still be run by a more privileged user (VOB owner, member of the Rational ClearCase administrators group).

    [[i] 本帖最后由 CMing 于 2010-4-2 11:48 编辑 ]

  • 不多,不错,学习了~

  • diff merge at 2009年12月30日

    你采用的是 UCM 模式吗?还有你的 stream 策略是哪种方式?

    从 dev 流向 int 流 deliver,如果出现 diff merger 说明有冲突,自己选择下即可。 add to source control 的文件也让 merge,说明你当前取的不是最新代码。 rebase 下!

    好久不动 clearcase,有点模糊了,不知道说的对不对,欢迎指出。

  • 老大,我还失业呢~

  • 配置管理之路处罚公告 at 2009年11月18日


  • laofo 总结的够精辟!

    之前不知道他们在讨论女人房子车子。 要不我也参与一把,不好意思扫了大伙的美事。

  • 1.IBM 官方文档 configuration management with IBM Rational clearcase UCM,V7.0 给出的定义是: Software Configuration Management(SCM) is the software engineering discipline that deals with managing changes to software.

    2.在网上找到的: 软件配置管理(Software Configuration Management, SCM)是指通过执行版本控制、变更控制等规程,以及使用合适的配置管理软件,来保证所有配置项的完整性和可跟踪性。配置管理是对工作成果的一种有效保护。

  • 我也问一个。什么是发布(release),给个明确的定义,和详细的工作流程?

  • 这是猎头发的,应该是 regular.

  • SVN 全套资料集 at 2009年10月27日


  • 太谦虚了,


  • 呵呵,要求太高,咱搞不定,laofo 你试试。

  • 薪资大概多少?


  • 不好意思,刚看到。



  • 惭愧~

  • clearcase tag:一般指 vob 或 view tag,其实就是 vob 或 view 名。 label:clearcase base 模式叫标签,ucm 模式叫基线。

    另外 tag 也是 SVN 里的标签。

  • 欢迎~

    大家一起学习 clearcase.