• 你真是一个有故事的人,曾经 SQ 面试过北京东西南北众多公司,已经被我们尊为 “面霸” 你这上千家公司简历,面过上百家公司,真是可以称得上 “面神” 了。

  • linux+svn+apche at 2014年07月03日


  • 这个职位一直在招聘

  • 同时你参考下这篇文章:

  • [i=s] 本帖最后由 laofo 于 2014-7-3 13:50 编辑

    那台目标机子上装了自带的 .NET framework 3.5 了么?

  • UCloud 获 IaaS 领域最大单笔 B 轮融资 5000 万美金 作为 IaaS 服务商,UCloud 一直专注于云计算领域产品的研发与运营服务。此次 B 轮总融资额为 5000 万美元,由贝塔斯曼和君联资本领投,DCM 跟投。

    暨去年 11 月成功获得来自 DCM、贝塔斯曼 1000 万美元 A 轮投资之后,本月 UCloud 又获得由贝塔斯曼和君联资本领投,DCM 跟投的 B 轮融资。此次 B 轮总融资额为 5000 万美元,是中国 IaaS(基础云计算)领域最大单笔融资金额。

    在获得 B 轮融资后, UCloud 将不遗余力地加大数据中心的基础建设,以及研发力量的持续投入。UCloud 将完成更大规模的具有同城容灾能力的多 BGP 机房建设,从而帮助客户实现业务的跨机房容灾能力。同时,UCloud 将完成在北美的数据中心建设,实现全球化部署。

    UCloud CEO 季昕华表示:“在长期服务和实践过程中,我们发现由于受到资金和技术能力的限制,大部分创业团队无法拥有一支专业队伍去打造像 BAT 那样的海量数据支撑能力、稳定的基础架构能力和跨机房容灾能力。

    UCloud 正是这样的一支以技术为核心的服务商,帮助中国互联网企业快速解决基础架构的问题,运维管理问题,节约了资金成本。UCloud 可以做到 90 秒内快速响应客户问题,专业工程师直接服务客户等机制,从而使得互联网创业团队可以更专注于自身的核心竞争力,节约了大量的人力成本和时间,产品在市场上能够快速推出与试错,云计算造就 “轻团队”。

    成立于 2012 年的 UCloud 是中国领先的 IaaS(基础云计算)服务商,一直专注于云计算领域产品的研发与运营服务。自成立以来,UCloud 专注于服务中国互联网企业用户,推出了高 IO 云主机、缓存计算、SDN、混合云等创新性产品,业务增长迅猛,目前已有上万家企业用户和创业团队将其业务部署并运营在 UCloud 云平台上。目前,UCloud 的客户遍及游戏、电商、移动互联网、SaaS 等多个行业,尤其在游戏行业深耕细作,通过其对于游戏技术运营的深刻理解,推出适合游戏行业特性的产品与服务,在这个领域取得了绝对领先的地位。用户中不乏流水过千万、甚至过亿的明星级游戏团队,如《刀塔传奇》、《啪啪三国》、《攻城掠地》、《暴走无双》等。

  • 500 强 IT 电信行业还有哪几家?

  • 关键词:上海金桥 张江 IT 公司 电信行业 CET-4 or above

    给我的第一感觉是华为?但是华为的 JD 貌似不用英文。

  • 我觉得这个职位很一般,不过还是发出来给需要的朋友。

    最近这个公司 HR 在到处找 SCM

  • Subversion Sync 双机同步备份 at 2014年07月02日


  • 池塘 其实我们彼此之间是没有本质利益冲突的。站在公司发展的立场上,我们都是一样的,所有技术人员,所有的主管,我们的方向都应该是一样的。如果在一个平稳的公司,这个行业已经成熟,那你多做一些事情,可能就使得别人少作一些事情。因为这个公司已经成熟了,已经不发展了。你多做了就必然是别人少作了,你多做了会给别人造成生存危机,他就没事可做了,他就不知道自己的价值。那你要多做,别人就觉得你在抢他饭碗。这是在一个成熟的公司,可能会有这样一个矛盾。





    谈事?谈感情? 包括我们团队成员跟我们的主管之间,其实这类事情,给我们主管提出很高的要求。你既要在技术方面要有感觉,也许不是最精通的,但要有感觉;在对人方面的专注要加强。


    揣摩 信任

    然后,当别人提出一个什么想法,想做什么事情,或者,要发表一个观点的时候,就有可能这样一种情况 “咋回事?他是不是不想干了?想我干了?”。然后,就可能进入一个揣摩的状态,这个人在想啥呢?


    我不希望,我们在说很多话的时候,前面要说 3,5 句话做铺垫,这个现象也是我们团队中存在的。我们发现,当一个人讲一句话,有可能给其它人带来困扰时,大家说这句话之前,要说几句话铺垫。说:“我想讲一句话,其实不是针对你们谁谁谁。。。” 一通罗列完后,说 “这件事,是这样子的。。。” 才开始进入正题。



    一视同仁 我在 B2B 工作了几年,什么荣誉也好,别人叫我什么称号也好,我都不觉得这个是什么。但是,有个人有一次,他还不是技术部的,那个人跟我一点都不熟,他说了一句话,让我很感动。他说 “我们觉得你对所有的人,做任何事情的要求是平等的。从来不看我们是一个小 P 还是一个大 P。我们真的觉得你没有区别对待,我们觉得你对大家是一视同仁的。“ 他就说了这么一句话让我很感动,我后来反思自己:我在想什么,我在说什么,我在做什么,我是不是对所有人是一样的?我是不是看人做事?我是不是因为这个人跟我关系好我就多支持他一点?那个人跟我关系一般,我的资源,我的时间就少向他支持一点?我是不是在这样的原则下做事情?这很重要。 你是否能赢得别人的信任,很多时候,就决定于你自己。你是否信任别人?你是否能一视同仁?你是否能一如既往的,对所有人表达一种声音,一种态度?这真的很重要,这是你能赢得别人尊重的前提。

    我们很多时候在抱怨,做事情成功的可能性跟我们在公司里边,跟各个部门的关系成正相关。这是不是我们很多人一个很深刻的感受?不光支付宝,包括 B2B,大家都有这个声音,在表达,在说。这样合不合理?该不该?我觉得我们都需要反思这个问题。 我也不指望今天我提出这个话题后,大家就变了。但是我希望我们的人,是不是应该去反思这个问题,我们尝试去改变。这个改变不是说 M 要做事情去改变,要从每个人做起,从自己做起。如果觉得这个是对的,那就这样去做,不需要等待。在这样一个过程中,我们就能赢得别人的信任,建立起信任。

    孙子和大爷 很多时候,我也在不同的场合听到,大家做事情的时候,包括运维部,包括架构部,都听到这样一种声音 “做点事情真难啊!不光是要有关系啊!对公司这么好的一件事情,这么有价值的一件事情,我到处求爷爷,告奶奶,我真他妈跟孙子似的。”。都觉得自己是孙子。 但是反过来一看呢,我觉得我们公司,架构部还算推行比较容易的部门,很强有力的部门,还觉得自己是孙子。可能在另外的部门就觉得,这个玩意儿就跟大爷似的。我觉得这个很有意思,我们每个人都觉得自己是孙子,别人都觉得我是大爷。为什么?为什么?真的很有意思。 我们想一想,我们做事情,遵循什么规则,什么原则。我们推行跨部门合作,团队和团队之间要合作,到底基于什么根本原则去做。基于一些原则,我们就可以把关系的问题扫清。否则,我们都觉得难啊。 现在支付宝 300 个人,就已经觉得难了。再往下走,下半年要进 100 多个新生,明年可能还有新生,还有社招,那么多人进来。他们一进来,肯定觉得更难了,是不是?各位在这里什么老油条,老姜们,都觉得做点事情难,他们怎么做? 我们每个人,至少想想这个问题。这似乎不是管理手段,政策制度可以解决的问题。我希望每个人能从自己做起,不断去反思这样的事情。不仅人和人,人和主管之间,团队和团队之间,包括我们和公司之间。公司大了,对发展战略的疑惑。

    开发和 PD


    以前我在技术部门,尤其跟产品设计,跟 PD,大家换个位置来想这个问题。执行其实是最简单最容易的。做决定比执行难得多。做选择,做决定,要做什么样的产品,达到什么样的目标,远比技术要更困难。 前几天我听说,B2B 产品部的人邀请技术部的人,见证了产品的讨论过程。技术部的人最后说:“PD 这帮人还是蛮优秀的,蛮有能力的。” 但以前他们怎么看呢,他们说 “这帮人都他们瞎搞,瞎想!” 因为我们不理解,不理解的前提是不了解,彼此之间信息不对称。我们都觉得别人是傻子,就我聪明。

    公司战略 回过来,那公司大的方向,战略。你看,郭靖又在瞎想。今年白搞了,明年又来过。把你放在那个位置,你去试试看。每个公司高速发展中,他的路径都是很曲折的,一定是没有先例可循的。如果一条道路是固定的,可以追寻的,可以遵循一种模式走成功的。那么我们问,要成功,剩下的是什么?剩下的就是人加资金。只要人加资金投到这里头,遵循这个路径,就成功了吗?不可能的。创业的公司成千上万,成功的有几家?他们为什么成功?

    当这些公司成功了,我们说他走出一条什么模式,我们说 IBM 模式,华为模式,现在外面有人在研究阿里巴巴模式。但是,大家说,这个道路难道先前有谁能看得明白吗?马云能看明白吗?根本看不明白的。 所谓战略,是在不断的试错过程中能快速的纠错,我们要有这个能力,能不断的试错,快速的纠错。然后我们的人心要不散,还能一起往前走。 前几天,我跟人闲聊的时候说,百度在做有啊,做百付宝,那么容易成功吗?微软这么大家公司,做互联网,从跟网景互斗开始,这么多年,为什么在互联网领域就做不成?是因为他没钱吗?没人吗?都不是。要做成一件事情,能有一股力量,能让大家方向一致,拧成一股绳往前走,这是相当困难的。 对于我们集团来讲,我个人的理解,有的人是有共同的信仰或信念,有他的使命。但是我们大部人,真的是能切身感受到这个使命吗?这是不一定的。但有一点,我们相信公司,我们相信马云,信他。就跟着他怎么说,就怎么走了。即时错了,带我们调整方向,调整路径,最终我们走了十年。未来再走的话,我们还要遵循这个原则一直往前走。 这个过程,我们付出的代价就是我们很苦闷的东西,去年白干了。过去曾经是重点的项目,重点的产品,现在不再是重点了,换了方向了,这就是成长过程付出的代价。但是不能因此就觉得那帮领导就是天马行空,一帮猪脑子。 也许我们觉得自己很聪明,但是我深深的感受到,我们都不智慧。聪明和智慧真的是两件事。

    总结 我们做技术的人学以致用,勇于承担,去突破自我去影响他人。包括其它人,包括马云,包括虚竹,他要影响,也都是这样一个过程。每个领域都是这样一个过程。从这个角度讲,都是相通的。他要完成他应该的使命,他也需要我们去突破自己。所以说,这所有的一切,都能找到一个共性的东西。 我希望我们能来严肃的,认真的思考一下这个问题。想想我们每个人该怎么做,不要等,不要等政策,不要等主管。每个人从我做起,从现在做起。做你觉得你想做的,然后把你觉得你想做的东西多跟其它人交流。看看我自己想做的东西是不是有偏差,是不是可能不太合理?多跟别人碰撞,多跟不同的人交流,你会发现,其实每个人,形形色色的想法,一是很有意思,二是在这个过程中,你可以去总结,去归纳,去提炼,可以得到升华。 所以说,我给自己找点理由。要谈人生,谈理想,其实背后的本质是这样的:我希望看到大家是怎么思考问题的,为什么我们每个人有每个人的标准,还深以为然,但是别人却不那么认可你。我们怎么样突破这个困境?这就是我为什么要谈信任这个话题。 因为我觉得,这件事情不解决,我们招再多的人,也被我们低下的效率研磨掉了,人越多越臃肿,这是我们必须解决的问题,这样我们才能支持公司健康的往前走。我讲完了,谢谢大家。


  • 很不错的文章,推荐大家看一看,尤其是新人多看看。

  • 要想高工资,要么外企;要么私营去当官。

  • 度娘一下就知道了。招聘网站上都有的。

  • 影响一生的职业建议 at 2014年06月25日

    The best career advice I’ve received Posted at October 15, 2013 07:00 am by Nicholas C. Zakas Tags: Advice, Career, Mentoring I recently had an interesting discussion with a colleague. We were recounting our job histories and how our, shall we say colorful personalities, could have negatively impacted us long term. The truth is, I was kind of an asshole coming out of college (some would argue I’m still kind of an asshole, but that’s beside the point). I was arrogant and bitingly sarcastic, a generally irreverent character. I thought I knew it all and was quite proud of myself for it.

    I had a habit of telling more experienced engineers that they were doing things wrong, and despite being right most of the time, I didn’t have the personality to make it effective. During one particularly engaging conversation, one of the senior engineers stopped and said, in these exact words, “I’m going to f***en beat the shit out of you if you don’t shut up.” I laughed it off because I knew he wouldn’t dare, and only years later did I realize the relevance of that statement: it was actually what he wanted to do.

    Since that time I’ve grown up a lot, learned to watch what I say, and treat people with respect regardless of defining characteristics. The sarcasm stays in check while in a professional environment; I let it out to play when I’m with good friends. This self-control, along with a lot of other invaluable lessons, came to me not of my own accord, but through the careful guidance of the mentors I’ve had along the way. If not for them, who knows if my interpersonal relationships would have short-circuited my career.

    The truth is that I have been incredibly blessed in my career because of the people I’ve come into contact with. My managers along the way molded a really rough-around-the-edges character into someone I’m proud to be. More than that, because of their influence, I’m not just a good programmer – I’m a good teammate and a good person. So impactful were these people on my life that I frequently recount their advice to the colleagues that I now mentor.

    I also find their advice to be universally applicable, so I’d like to share the things I was told that helped me along the way. Of course, some of these are paraphrased since my memory for exact phrases isn’t all that great, but I believe I’ve captured the important parts correctly.

    Don’t be a short-order cook

    My very first job lasted 8 months because the company shut down. As I was talking with my manager about what I would do next, he gave me this advice:

    Nicholas, you’re worth more than your code. Whatever your next gig is, make sure that you’re not a short-order cook. Don’t accept a job where you’re told exactly what to build and how to build it. You need to work somewhere that appreciates your insights into the product as well as your ability to build it.

    This is something I’ve kept in mind throughout my career. Simply being an implementer isn’t good enough – you need to be involved in the process that leads up to implementation. Good engineers don’t just follow orders, they give feedback to and work with product owners to make the product better. Fortunately, I’ve chosen my jobs wisely and never ended up in a situation where people didn’t respect or value my insights.


    My second manager at Yahoo pulled me aside one day to give me some advice. He had been watching my work and felt like I was hiding a bit:

    You do great work. I mean really great work. I like how your code looks and that it rarely breaks. The problem is that others don’t see it. In order for you to get credit for the work you’re doing, you have to let people know. You need to do a bit of self-promotion to get noticed.

    It took me a little while to digest what he was saying, but I finally figured it out. If you do good work, but no one knows that you did good work, then it doesn’t really help you. Your manager can back you up but can’t make your case for you. People within the organization need to understand your value, and the best way to do that is to tell people what you did.

    This is advice I give to many of my colleagues now. Self-promoting doesn’t mean, “look at me, I’m awesome.” It means letting people know when you’ve hit major milestones, or when you’ve learned something new. It means showing people the work that you’re proud of. It means celebrating your accomplishments and the accomplishments of others. It means being visible within the organization. The engineer who sits quietly in a corner and just codes away is always a bit mysterious – don’t be like that. A quick email to say, “hey, I finished the new email layout. Let me know what you think” goes a long way.

    It’s about people

    I was very title-driven earlier in my career. I always wanted to know what I had to do to be promoted. During my first one-on-one with my new manager on the Yahoo homepage, I asked what it would take for me to get promoted. His words still ring in my ears:

    At a certain point, you stop being judged on your technical knowledge and start being judged on the way you interact with people.

    I’m not sure I’ve ever received a better insight into the software engineering profession since that time. He was exactly right. At that point, no one was questioning my technical ability. I was known as a guy who wrote good, high-quality code that rarely had bugs. What I lacked was leadership skill.

    Since that time, I’ve seen countless engineers get stuck at one level in their career. Smart people, good code, but the inability to work effectively with others keeps them where they are. Anytime someone feels stuck in their software engineering career, I recount this advice and it has always been right on the money.

    None of this matters

    I went through a period at Yahoo where I was frustrated. Maybe frustrated isn’t the right word, more like angry. I had angry outbursts and was arguing with people constantly. Things were going wrong and I didn’t like that. During one particularly rough day, I asked one of my mentors how he managed to stay calm when so many things were going wrong. His response:

    It’s easy. You see, none of this matters. So some crappy code got checked in, so the site went down. So what? Work can’t be your whole life. These aren’t real problems, they’re work problems. What really matters is what happens outside of work. I go home and my wife is waiting for me. That’s pretty nice.

    I had moved to California from Massachusetts and had a hard time making friends. Work was my life, it was what kept me sane, so when it wasn’t going that meant my life wasn’t going well. This conversation made me realize I had to have something else going on in my life, something I could go back to and forget about the troubles I had at work.

    He was right, once I shifted my mindset and recategorized the annoying things at work as “work things,” I was able to think more clearly. I was able to calm down at work and have much more pleasant interactions with people.

    Authority, your way

    When I was first promoted to principal engineer at Yahoo, I sat down with my director to better understand what the role entailed. I knew I had to be more of a leader, but I was having trouble being authoritative. I asked for help. Here’s what he said:

    I can’t tell you how to be authoritative, that’s something you need to figure out on your own. Different people have different styles. What you need to do is find a style that you can live with, that makes you comfortable. I can’t tell you what that is, but you do need to find it for this position.

    I spent a lot of time that year observing people of authority and how they interacted with others. I took note as to how they walked, how they talked, how they dealt with problem situations. I tried different styles before I finally came across one that worked for me. My style is uniquely me and anyone learning to be in a position of authority has to go through the same growing pains. My advantage was that my mentor clued me about the process up front.

    Moving from “how?” to “what?”

    During a conversation with my manager at Yahoo, I asked what the expectations were with my new position. He answered:

    To this point in your career, you’ve answered the question, “how?” As in, we tell you what needs to be done and you figure out how to do it. At this point, though, you need to answer the question, “what?” I’m expecting you to come and tell me what needs to be done.

    This is the part where I see a lot of engineers get tripped up, and I would have as well if not for this piece of advice. Switching from “how?” to “what?” is very hard and takes time to develop. It also takes a bit of maturity to be left to your own desires as to what you focus on. After all, if you can spend your time on anything you want, you are also solely responsible for what you produce.

    At Box, we call this “running open loop,” meaning that you do your job with minimal oversight and yet still are making a significant positive impact on the engineering organization and the company as a whole. This is the step where many engineers fail to make the leap, and I still give this advice to anyone who is trying to get to the next level.

    Act like you’re in charge

    I had just sat through a meeting where I had nothing to say. During my one-on-one with my director, I mentioned that I was just in a meeting where I had no idea why I was there and had nothing to contribute. He said:

    Don’t ever do that again. If you’re in a meeting, it’s because you are there to participate. If you’re not sure why you’re there, stop and ask. If you’re not needed, leave. You’re in a leadership position, act like it. Don’t go quietly into a room. Just act like you’re in charge and people will believe it.

    In that piece of advice, my mentor had reminded me of a lesson I learned while acting in high school: no one knows when you’re acting. If you’re nervous but act like you’re not, then people won’t know that you’re nervous. The same with leadership. The old phrase fake it til you make it comes to mind. From that point on, I never sat quietly in a meeting. I made sure I only went to meetings that needed me to participate and then I would participate.

    Let them win

    I went through a particular period where there were a lot of arguments on the team. I prided myself on ending those arguments with authority. I had a “my ruling is final” mentality, and my manager noticed that and gave me this piece of advice:

    I see a lot of arguing going on, and I see you pushing through to win a lot. I know that most of the time you are right, but every once in a while let them win. Pick the things that really matter to you and push for those but let the other things go. There’s no need to win every argument.

    This was one piece of advice I resisted initially. I was right nearly all of the time, why would I ever let someone else win? However, as I had grown to trust his instincts, I gave it a shot. The result: there were less arguments. People didn’t feel like they had to get one over on me, and in turn, I became better at identifying things I really didn’t care that much about. I stuck to my guns on important issues and let the others ones get resolved by the other party. The intensity of all conversations dropped considerably.


    Looking back at the brash guy I was when I graduated college, my career could have ended up very different. I was seen as a malcontent, a smart but hard-to-deal-with guy who people dealt with because they had to. If it weren’t for the mentors I had along the way, as well as some humbling failures early in my career, my interpersonal skills (or lack thereof) could have very well done me in. These days, I regularly seek out those who are more experienced than me and ask for advice. I may no longer make big, glaring mistakes, but I also don’t want to wait for one to happen to seek out the experienced insights of someone I trust.

    The nearly five years I was at Yahoo were some of the most transformative in my career. I got to work on interesting problems at a large scale, but moreso I was blessed with a series of wonderful managers and other mentors within my organization. I credit those conversations with turning me into a person that I’m proud of today, both at work and outside in “real life.”

    If I can leave you with one overriding piece of career advice, it would be this: identify someone at your work that is smarter than you in some way (technically, organizationally, etc.) and attach yourself to them. See if you can regularly have lunch or coffee and pick their brain for the vast amount of knowledge it has. Your career, and maybe even your life, could end up drastically better by doing so.

    Disclaimer: Any viewpoints and opinions expressed in this article are those of Nicholas C. Zakas and do not, in any way, reflect those of my employer, my colleagues, Wrox Publishing, O'Reilly Publishing, or anyone else. I speak only for myself, not for them.

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  • [i=s] 本帖最后由 laofo 于 2014-6-25 15:12 编辑

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  • 反对的一方:

    @ 默弦:简历都没发给我,干嘛要告诉你薪酬。说出你期望值,能给就谈下去,不能给就别浪费大家时间 @ 默弦:非常能理解里面猎头的角度. 招聘是双方选择,双方都需要先作投入. 还没进入面试流程就关注薪酬水平,太过于功利. 从另一个角度看,也就是换工作的意愿不大了

    支持的一方: @ibuick: 我觉得老赵的做法对,先问重要的,然后再决定。我现在接猎头或 HR 的电话,也是先问,大概能给多少钱,然后再聊具体的。要是薪资范围都没有,聊半天不是纯属浪费时间么。 @chenkaiHome:不谈钱 还打算招什么牛人呢?一方面口口声声 很注重人员技能水平会给到对应薪资,一方面又不愿意了解候选人技术水平而是矛头直指关注钱这个问题关注的太多. 逻辑倒置了. 程序员能够体现的价值,钱是一个太重要的标杆了.这个是不需要问什么的.

    泄密者: @BenjaminZhong:阿里?最近这大厂是怎么了?大波大波袭来。。。。 @ 安全_云舒:感觉像是阿里。不过说真的,最高技术职位是集团 CTO,P14,估计你还差点儿。专家是 P7,依次往上,P10 已经非常难了。只能说你们俩都没有好好谈的意思,大家都是普通人。 @ 子柳:不管是哪个单位的,我认为这个 HR 不合格:1、你主动联系一个技术专家居然不知道人的基本信息;2、高手一般都有点个性,有个性就不谈了你招个 P;3、谈话中有点居高临下的感觉,没有服务意识;4、对技术一无所知,根本无法跟高手对上话。

  • 这个你面试过了没有? [url]http://bbs.scmroad.com/thread-27161-1-1.html/url][

  • 你想看哪里的机会?我可以帮留意下

  • 望京鼎桥

  • 流程 vs 主动性 at 2014年06月23日

    @ 陈君 clover:是值得啊,好的合理的流程会让人认可 进而主动积极使用 因为在制定的时候就考虑了人 这个最大的因素 对于流程如果不够具体可行 那会导致无法落实 很多时候并不是人不愿意执行 而是真有待改进 另外 事情都有例外 大部分人都是可沟通和推动的

  • 给个类似的例子

  • 我还是不太了解。你就说你在 svn 中想看到什么样的信息吧

  • 针对每个版本提取出里边的文件?

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